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Is Indoor Skydiving Dangerous?

Indoor Skydiving

Skydive Perris Posted by: Skydive Perris 8 years ago

We get this question a lot from first time flyers — how dangerous is indoor skydiving? Learning to fly must involve some risks, right?

If you’ve ever attempted to self-mentor–say, by jumping off the roof holding a sheet overhead, by launching yourself off the swingset in an ill-fated arc or by taking a particularly Evel-Knievel BMX leap–then you probably did not emerge from the experience without at least a scuffed knee. Maybe you had the chance to parade around the schoolyard asking the dazzled public to sign your cast. Likely, you never tried it again.

What if you could learn to fly without the blood, plaster and tears?

The wind tunnel can make that happen for you, my friend.

Indoor skydiving is the “secret backdoor” that introduces you to the sensation of freefall without any parachutes getting involved. It’s done in a vertical wind tunnel which approximately simulates the experience of the airflow when you’re jumping from an airplane. You can do it once for the novelty, or you can pick it up as an actual-factual sport and chase it right to the edge of the physics envelope. You can do it if you’re 3 or if you’re 103. You can use it as a cardiovascular exercise program, to cross-train other sports, to increase your proprioception, or just to burn a few calories in an environment that doesn’t mind the weather.

Sounds good, right?

…But maybe you still have that scar on your knee and you’re still a little reticent. Trust us; we get it. Whether you’re looking to fly yourself or planning a flight for your kids, there’s no question that it’s important to understand how indoor skydiving works–and what could happen.

1. You’re Not Going In Blind.

Each and every flyer in the wind tunnel sits down for a safety briefing with a qualified instructor beforehand. You’ll know what to expect to feel, what to focus on, and the position in which to fly. You’ll practice body positions ahead of time.

2. You’ll Be Geared Up.

You (and/or your progeny) will be issued a jumpsuit, a helmet, and goggles. The jumpsuit is fitted with soft, foam-pillow handles that allow the instructor to help you control your body in the air (and quickly catch you, should something go funky).

3. It’s Adjustable.

Let’s get this straight: It’s not like you’re signing up for a one-size-fits-all wind rodeo. The wind tunnel itself surrounds a powerful upward stream of air, which you’ll basically be lying down on. The speed of that airflow can be adjusted up or down to best fit the flyer. (Think of it like a sleep-number bed made of air molecules.)

4. Bumps? Maybe. Serious Injuries? No.

Indoor skydiving, as we’ve mentioned, is a sport. That said: Your likelihood of getting injured as a new flyer is super-minimal. As your skills evolve over time, they become about the same as tripping on a long hike, getting spit off the back end of a treadmill or catching an elbow on the basketball court.

Those risks are typically limited to the small bumps and bruises that can be obtained from minor collisions with the tunnel walls; if you’re flying with other people, there’s always the risk that you could collide with one another and tumble around a bit, but we minimize that risk through training. The occasional glass bump is an expected part of flying in the tunnel. In fact, many tunnel hobbyists choose to wear elbow and knee pads, just in case. New flyers simply don’t need ‘em.

5. Risk Vs. Reward? No Question.

The dangers of indoor skydiving pale in comparison to the awesomeness in every possible way. We’re sure that it is, hands-down, the most fun way to stay fit, meet new people, make new friends and dive into building a new skill set that can build for decades.

So: what’s the danger? Falling in love with a big, windy tube and leaving your other hobbies behind. We’d love to show you how!

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